Naina Bhatia-Dey

Sense of Smell - Window into Aging and Disease

Recent scientific findings indicate that loss of sense of smell could be related to decline of brain functions which may lead to diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. On Tuesday, March 4, at 2:00 p.m. in Clubhouse I, Naina Bhatia-Dey will talk about aging as a gradual, complex process that takes place over decades. By the time we notice subtle symptoms, many significant, yet silent changes are continuing inside the body.  

Common signs of aging such as wrinkles, greying hair and forgetfulness are most often acknowledged, but as research continues, the big picture of aging expands. It is important to know that awareness of a decreased or distorted sense of olfaction (smell) could be used to help understand the status of neurodegeneration:  the loss of brain cells responsible for memory, learning ability and other brain functions.  

Bhatia-Dey has a PhD in Genetics from Calcutta University. She has done post-doctoral work at the National Institutes of Health. Currently, she is involved in research and teaches at Howard University.

The Center for Lifelong Learning sponsors this program. It is free, but please register beginning February 10, by calling or visiting the Lifestyle office in Clubhouse I or II.

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