Africa - A New Geographical Approach

Registration – Opens on the Tuesday following the Friday publication in the Leisure World newspaper.

From a geographical standpoint, the African Continent is incredibly diverse with countless irreplaceable natural landscapes. Its regions include the Sahara, Sahel, Savanna, Equatorial Rainforest, the Deserts of the Namib, and the Kalahari, and others. To explore the many factors impacting Africa's geography, the Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL) is sponsoring Tom Conger’s course on five Wednesdays at 1:00 PM from September 25 through October 23, 2024 in Clubhouse I.

Humans have long called Africa home. This course will explore some of the human activities, such as the movement of people and goods (cultural and economic geography), the development and distribution of languages, migration, and more. The man-land relationship, will be closely examined.  What impact does the land have on humans?  What do humans do with and to the natural landscape?  How is this give-and-take arrangement between humans and their environments working out?  What lies in store for the future?

A final subject of the course is an exploration of Africa's biogeography. The Continent is host to 1,100 species of mammals and more than 2,100 species of birds. Many of these live nowhere else. What does the land do to and for the animals?  What impacts do the animals have on the land?  How are conservation efforts to save endangered species working out?  What are the prospects for the future of this vast bio-geographical realm?

The instructor, Tom Conger, has taught many CLL courses on geography in Leisure World.  He is a veteran community planner and geographer, holds degrees in geography and community planning from the University of Cincinnati and has taught geography at middle and high schools and at Northern Arizona University.

To register for this class call or go to Lifestyle in Clubhouse I or II. The cost is $15.00.  Enrollees should check the lobby TV monitor for the room assignment.