From the day we commence working as teenagers, our wages are used as a source for funding Social Security. Now that we in Leisure World are seniors and qualified to benefit from the funds collected, just what does Social Security offer us. To provide information about this, the Center for Lifelong Learning has scheduled a program for Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at 2 p.m. in Clubhouse 2 Auditorium. The program is being prepared by Diana Varela, Public Affairs Specialist for the Social Security Agency.

Registration begins on the Tuesday following the Friday publication in the Leisure World newspaper. You may register at either Lifestyle Department in person or by phone. For more information, please visit the CLL website at

The program will provide information on the various benefits that are available at different stage of our lives and under various conditions. In preparing for this program, the CLL committee asked a variety of questions aimed at specific conditions. The program will be a means of providing answers about resources available from Social Security to help the aging senior facing difficult situations and conditions.

The speaker will be provided by the Social Security Agency.  Come prepared with your personal questions to help you make the best use of your Social Security benefits.